Which blood test should be performed for the presence of parasites in the body

Doctors recommend regular blood tests for parasites, because it is not always possible to protect yourself from infection, even if you follow the rules of hygiene. For prophylactic purposes, this procedure should be performed for both children and adults. Helminths can remain in the human body for more than a decade without showing any symptoms. A diagnosis must be made to detect the presence of the parasite.

Ways of infection

Worms can enter the body in several ways. Doctors identify four main ways:

  • from the ground, then water (helminths enter the soil with feces);
  • from person to person by contact;
  • through raw, undercooked meat or fish;
  • by insects.

The reproduction of worms in the human body is excluded. Each helminth species has a specific lifespan.

The growth of worms in the body occurs only when re-infected. To reduce the risk of infection, people should follow good hygiene rules.

Symptoms of worm infestation

Common symptoms of worms in the human body are a sharp weight loss, pale skin, itching in the anus. But like other diseases, there are other hidden manifestations.

  1. Disorders of the digestive system. Stomach pain, nausea, vomiting are disturbing. In the process of vital activity, some worms secrete specific substances that cause diarrhea.
  2. Disorders of the normal functioning of the nervous system. Helminths release toxins that can cause intoxication. In turn, this has a negative effect on the condition of the nervous system.
  3. Allergic reaction. A person infected with worms may have a rash on his body.
  4. Decreased immunity. As a result of the body's weak defenses, people can develop co-morbidities.

There is a belief that a person's body is affected by helminths when they gnash their teeth or snore at night, but this information has not been scientifically confirmed.

If you have one or more of these symptoms, you need to be diagnosed with worms. You should have a blood test for parasites.

Basic diagnostic methods

There are several main ways to diagnose helminths in the human body.

Fecal Analysis

Fecal analysis is a traditional way to detect worms. During the study, doctors found worm eggs. You will need to have a bowel movement again to confirm the diagnosis. However, this test is not a reliable diagnostic method because the worms may not ovulate for a long time.

Blood test

A blood test for parasites is a more reliable method and allows you to detect worms at an early stage. All the processes that take place in the human body are reflected in the blood. This type of diagnosis allows not only to identify worms, but also to determine their type. When there are worms in the blood, you can find their waste.

take blood for analysis for parasites

When there is a parasite in the body, a large number of eosinophils will be detected in the blood. The diagnosis should be confirmed by additional research methods. There are many types of blood tests and they can be called differently.

Scratching for enterobiasis

To detect pinworms in the body, the doctor prescribes a crumb to the patient for enterobiosis. During the procedure, the doctor inserts a cotton swab over the skin wrinkles near the anus. The resulting sample is sent to the laboratory for further research. The same procedure is done with adhesive tape applied to the folds. The tape is then placed on the glass, glued and removed, and the glass itself is sent to the laboratory.

Immunoassay blood test

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is a special study that allows you to accurately determine the presence of helminths in children and adults. Using this method, it is possible to detect both microscopic parasites and large ones. For parasites, this analysis is based on the search for antibodies.

The enzyme is taken from a blood vessel for immunoassay. It is then centrifuged and the blood serum is examined.

ELISA results provide complete information about the presence of helminths in the body and their type.

Enzyme immunoassay consists of two main components:

  • immune response;
  • enzymatic reaction.

Thanks to the immune response, it is possible to find out the presence of parasites and what types of worms are present in the body. The enzymatic reaction will allow further study of the identified helminth type and visual measurement of the data obtained.

In response to the invasion of a foreign body, the body responds by producing antibodies.Abdominal pain can be caused by the presence of parasites in the bodyWhen worms in the blood damage the body, antibodies are formed to the toxins and wastes of the worms. This technique is based on the study of these antibodies.

Blood test will take 2-4 days. It can be done at any state clinic. A similar study can be conducted in private clinics.

What other analyzes are there?

In addition to enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, parasites can be detected in other ways.

The following blood tests are used for research:

  • indirect hemagglutination reaction;
  • immunofluorescence reaction.

Both methods are used to detect antibodies in blood serum.

You need a blood transfusion to make a diagnosis. After that, it is immediately taken to the laboratory. These informative methods can indicate the degree of worm infestation.

How to prepare for the test

Blood should be donated in the morning for parasites. It is recommended that you do not eat anything before the procedure - although food intake is insignificant, it can affect the final result of the study.

Only water intake is allowed on the day of the parasite test.

In order to get the most reliable results, in addition to these basic rules, you should pay attention to the following recommendations before performing ELISA analysis.

  1. You should not take medication for three days before the test. Let's take only the drugs that are important for the body.
  2. There should be no physical or emotional stress before the procedure.
  3. It is not recommended to consume alcohol and strong coffee the day before the procedure.
  4. If antiparasitic therapy is given before the test, it is better to temporarily postpone the procedure.
  5. Physiotherapeutic procedures can affect the test result, so two procedures should be skipped before the ELISA blood test is scheduled.

Proper analysis shows all the parasites present in the human body.

How to protect yourself from worms

In most cases, worms enter the body from dirty hands, so it is important to follow their hygiene.

Vegetables and fruits purchased from the markets should be washed thoroughly. According to research, worm eggs are often collected in vegetables and fruits.

Be careful when buying meat and fish. It is important to buy only meat that has passed veterinary control. Meat and fish should be cooked thoroughly.

If you have pets, always wash your hands after them. Pets should be regularly vaccinated against worms.